Tim Woodroof

Owner & Lead Instructor for Citizen Defense, LLC


Tim Woodroof is a Certified NRA Pistol Instructor and an Affiliate Instructor with the United States Concealed Carry Association.  Tim is neither a former Swat Officer nor former Special Forces although he admires them greatly, prays for them often, and is eternally grateful.  Tim is a regular citizen (hence the name Citizen Defense) who has been assaulted on a number of occasions, three times with a firearm; his home has been robbed while he was in it; and, several of his family members have been assaulted as well.  He realized it isn’t possible for the police to be present when the crime happens – unless it’s coincidence.  And the bad guy is smart enough to lay low when the police are around and to plan his attack when no one is around.  So years ago Tim decided to get handgun training.  He has had hundreds upon hundreds of hours of professional training locally and nationally.  He still travels out of state several times a year for extended training sessions to increase his skills and learn the latest.

Tim has a passion for anything firearms and self defense.  He is constantly studying self defense scenarios and actual videos of self defense encounters giving him a broad understanding of the dynamics of an attack and the natural human reaction.

Tim’s skills, training and knowledge won’t help the student a wit unless Tim can effectively communicate.  Tim loves teaching people and helping them achieve that “Aha” moment.  He teaches in a hands on manner with humor and insight.  His enthusiasm for his subject is contagious – except of course to the gun control crowd.

